The planned industrial and business zones are located in the district Bosiljevo north of the highway route A1 (Zagreb – Rijeka), near the junction node „Bosiljevo 1“, and are therefore a favourable traffic location.


Besides the immediate connection to highway through the highway junction „Bosiljevo 1“, the interregion junction node „Bosiljevo 2“ is located nearby from where the highway bifurcates to Zagreb(A1), Rijeka(A6), Zadar and Split.

 – distance from Bosiljevo to Zagreb is 70km.
 – distance from Bosiljevo to Zagreb Airport is 75km.
 – distance from Bosiljevo to Rijeka is 70km.
 – distance from Bosiljevo to Airport on the island Krk is 100km.
 – distance from Bosiljevo to Zadar is 190km.
 – distance from Bosiljevo to Zadar Airport is 210km.
 – distance from Bosiljevo to Split is 315km.
 – distance from Bosiljevo to Split Airport is 330km.


  • Rijeka, coastline length of 340 m, operating sea gauge 10,50 m, two coastal cranes, each of 50 tons capacity.
  • Zadar, travel coast length of 120 m, operating sea gauge 7 m, there is no coastal crane.
  • Split, western port, the coast 230 m, sea gauge 8.30 m, a mobile crane capacity of 60 tons for unloading containers.
  • Ploče, cargo port, operating coast 140 m, sea gauge 8 m, unloading the floating or mobile crane capacity 60 tons.

Furthermore, with the western boundary of Zone stretch a county road Ž-3174 which is a node „Bosiljevo 1“ and the Zone itself is connected with the state roads D-3 and D-204, and the border-crossing Pribanjci (Slovenia)-the European Union. In addition, the distance of about 50 km there is international road crossing with Bosnia and Herzegovina – Maljevac.
The Zone is therefore, in terms of transport, located in the focal point of prime state roads. Its Zone near the aforementioned node junctions „Bosiljevo 1“ and „Bosiljevo 2“ allows it to use the advantages that arise from such a favorable transportation position. Route, the state of development and interconnectivity of previous roads provided that the Zone is extremely convenient transportationaly determined, indicating significant economic potential. The existing roads enable a phased realization of the network of roads planned within the Zone. Bosiljevo district center is located approximately 1.5 km from the entrance into the Zone.


The Zone covers an area of 417 700 m2. Of those, the commercial area are 345 000 m2, the rest are roads with infrastructure. Due to the large area around the Zone, which is not inhabited or used, Zone can be expanded to the north and to the east and thus increase the surface for several times.
The first phase consists of 41 construction sites whose land area ranging from 4100 m2 (minimum parcel size) to 18 660 m2 (maximum parcel size). In case of need, there is the possibility of grouping several parcels into one. With all of the parcels vegetation were removed and established terrain is flattened. Along with construction site parcels there are 7 parcels for substations for electric power facilities at 1000kW. By the Spatial Plan the coefficient of coverage is determined as 0,50, allowing height of buildings to the cornice of the roof is 12 m, and allowing the possibility of building a basement.
On each parcel is required 20% green space, and 30% external parking places and internal roads. Entrance-exit ramps for basements do not count in the coefficient of coverage for each parcel. Future investors are exempt from payment of municipal contributions, because the company Gradko d.o.o. is committed to build all the necessary infrastructure (access road with pedestrian paths, water supply, fecal sewerage, public lighting on roads and installation for distribution telecommunication infrastructure). Depending on future activities to be carried out on the parcel, the potential investor is obliged directly by himself arranged the necessary electrical power with „Elektra Karlovac“.

Plan prostornog uređenja

Plan prostornog uređenja


By the Spatial Plan the industrial-commercial purpose:

  • industries and trades
  • shops, warehouses and services
  • offices, agencies, banks and post offices
  • catering and hotels



  • water supply
  • sewerage
  • distribution telecommunication infrastructure
  • electrical energy
  • public lighting



Bosiljevo district is an area of special state concern category III, meaning that the entrepreneur is entitled to a tax benefit (art. 24 of the Law on Areas of Special State Concern, „Narodne novine“ no. 86/08). 

Current situation:


Trenutno nema dostupnih obavijesti.

Mijenjati se mogu samo keramičke pločice s napomenom da su vaše istih dimenzija kao i naše, u protivnom imamo pravo zaračunati dodatak za postavu ili odbiti postavljanje pločica.

Kupac je dužan, preinake vezane uz keramičke pločice, na vrijeme dogovoriti s voditeljem gradilišta, u protivnom izmjena keramike više nije moguća.

Prodavatelj isključivo prodaje nekretninu prema projektu nekretnine, a predmet kupoprodaje ne mogu biti nikakvi dodatni radovi ili izmjena opreme ili izmjene tlocrta nekretnine izvan standarda Prodavatelja.

Svaka promjena u stanu neovlašteno izvršena od strane Kupca će za posljedicu imati obvezu vraćanja u prvobitno stanje o trošku Kupca, uz naknadu tom promjenom sve prouzročene štete.

Poštovani Kupci,

Od dana 28.04.2022. godine na snazi su nova pravila za izmjene/preinake u stanovima.

Mijenjati se mogu keramičke pločice s napomenom da su vaše istih dimenzija kao i naše, u protivnom imamo pravo zaračunati dodatak za postavu ili odbiti postavljanje pločica.

Kupac je dužan, preinake vezane uz keramičke pločice, na vrijeme dogovoriti s voditeljem gradilišta, u protivnom u slučaju kasne reakcije izmjena keramike više nije moguća.

Prodavatelj isključivo prodaje nekretninu prema projektu nekretnine, a predmet kupoprodaje ne mogu biti nikakvi dodatni radovi ili izmjena opreme ili izmjene tlocrta nekretnine izvan standarda Prodavatelja.

Svaka promjena u stanu neovlašteno izvršena od strane Kupca će za posljedicu imati obvezu vraćanja u prvobitno stanje o trošku Kupca, uz naknadu tom promjenom sve prouzročene štete.


Kontakt osobe:

Ime i PrezimeMobitelOrganizacijska jedinica
Ivana Kondres091 6448 776Centar GajniceArgentinska 4Zagreb
Davorka Sudar091 4888 362Centar ZaprešićTrg žrtava fašizma 8Zaprešić
Tomica Gašparac091 6072 858Centar Velika GoricaTrg kralja Petra Krešimira IV br.1Velika Gorica
Anna Maria Brleković091 4800 283Centar HotoUl. dr. Franje Tuđmana 4Strmec Samoborski
Lara Crnički091 4800 147Centar Britanski trgIlica 81Zagreb
Irena Mirić091 6072 629Centar KarlovacDr. Vladka Mačeka 1Karlovac
Edita Jasprica091 4800 280Centar VMDStrojarska 16Zagreb
Jela Gašpar091 6072 643Centar SesveteTrg D. Domjanića 8Sesvete
Nikolina Mlinarić091 4800 197Centar JurišićevaJurišićeva 4Zagreb
Dino Bandalo091 4800 168Centar SredišćeUlica Ivana Šibla 15Zagreb
Petra Stipaničev091 4800 147Centar SavskaSavska cesta 58Zagreb
Sanja Šujster091 6072 654Centar ŠpanskoTrg Ivana Kukuljevića 5Zagreb
Ivana Lozančić091 4801 827Centar MaksimirMaksimirska 105Zagreb
Filip Krajinović091 4800 150Centar DubravaAvenija Dubrava 47Zagreb
Karmela Babić091 4800 187Centar SisakStjepana i Antuna Radića 34Sisak
Ivana Peraić091 6072 648Centar VaršavskaVaršavska ulica 9Zagreb
Biljana Medić091 4801 012Centar RačkiUlica Franje Račkoga 9Zagreb
Dejan Novosel091 4801 295Centar IlicaIlica 304Zagreb
Sanja Šujster091 6072 654Centar VrbaniHorvaćanska cesta 75Zagreb
Tajana Brezovečki Fistrić091 4801 117Centar Novi ZagrebResselova b.b.Zagreb
Domagoj Zeleničić091 6393 427Centar Dugo SeloUlica Josipa Zorića 28Dugo Selo